PLWM was born late one night in the spring of 1999 when Peter Liljenberg and Morgan Eklöf, as our habit is, enjoyed music and conversation. After some general window manager discussions and consensus on the beauty of using Python instead of yet another configuration file language, the name "the Pointless Window Manager" popped up. It was so good that we just had to implement it.
When it came to hacking, Peter was more inclined to let the work (or life) suffer and as a result have written all of the code.
Henrik Rindlöw has helped with ironing out bugs triggered in multiheaded environments. By being the first other active user of PLWM he has also found quite a number of more normal bugs.
Our now former employer Cendio Systems deserves a paragraph here. The employee contracts explicitly mentioned that we were allowed to develop non-work-related GPL'd programs using the company's computers in our spare time, and keep the copyright. Nice. Now I can admit that quite a lot of work time also went into the development...
Mike Meyer wrote the very interesting extension modules panes
, and the corresponding example window manager plpwm
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