Extension ModuleViews are PLWM's "workspaces". Many window manager have the concept of workspaces, or virtual screens. They give the illusion of having several screens, although only one of them can be displayed at a given time on the physical screen. This is done by iconifying the windows not visible on a workspace when that workspace is displayed.
Views does this too, and more. A view can be seen as a projection of the avialable windows onto the screen in a certain configuration. Views not only remembers which windows are visible on them, but also their geometry and stacking order. This means that the same window can appear on several views in a different place, even with a different size, on each view. Views also remembers the pointer position when swapping to another view, and restores it when the view is activated again. All information about the view configuration is stored when PLWM exits, so it can be restored after a restart.
Additionally, you can create views dynamically when you need them, and when they are no longer needed they will be destroyed. A view is considered to be unneeded if it is empty when you switch to another view.
All this is handled by the screen mixin ViewHandler
A client filter matching the client windows that should be visible on
all views, irrespective of view configuration. When determining if a
view is empty so it can be deleted, these windows will be ignored.
The default value is cfilter.false
Create a new view and switch to it. If copyconf is true, the window configuration of the current view will be copied, otherwise the new view will be empty.
Switch to the next view.
Switch to the previous view.
Switch to view number index, counting from 0. If noexc is
false IndexError
will be raised if index is out or range.
If noexc is true, quitely return.
Switch to the next view where there is a visible client matching the client filter clients. Beeps if there none.
Set a tag on the current view. tag can be any string.
Switch to the next view with tag tag. Beeps if there is none.
If there is a modewindow, one can use the mixin XMW_ViewHandler
instead of ViewHandler
to get information on the current view
number and tags in the modewindow.
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