Extension classes must be able to initialize themselves. To make this
easy the core classes provide some special initializing functions for
extension classes. Extension classes should only use these, they must
not use the normal Python initialization funktion __init__
When extending a core class by subclassing it together with a number of extension classes, the core class should be the first base class. The extension classes may have to be ordered among themselves too.
When an extended core class is initialized it will traverse the class inheritance tree. When an extension initialization function is found it is called without any arguments except for the object itself. As soon as an extension initialization function is found in a base class, its base classes will not be traversed.
provides two extension initialization functions:
also provides two extension initialization functions:
has been created, but before any clients are
provides only one extension initialization function:
There are also corresponding finalization methods:
method of objects. (Actually, these methods are
called from the __del__
method of the object.)
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